Q & A

Q: Do your builds always look like the pictures?

A: No. I do this for fun and I'm still considered a beginner. That is why you won't see any pictures of my builds. In time, I am hoping they will look good enough to post. 


Q: Do you always pull pieces from sections even when there are only a few pieces? 

A: Yes. Even if there are three or more, I will pull them and place them in a container before I build that section. That way I know that I have used the correct amount of pieces for that section. I learned this when I found that not all my pieces had been used and had to go back to rebuild. 


Q: How do you breakdown your sets when you are done with them?

A: I start by using the Ziploc bags (see them under tools). I write the bag number on the bag using a permanent marker (see tools), I then work in reverse order from the book. I breakdown per section as I go along. That way, when the build is completely broken down, I have the bag numbers that cooraspond with the book when I want to rebuild the kit again. 



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